A Place Where You Can Have Opinions 56 members · 75 stories
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Meghan Trainor is the worst singer-songwriter currently living.

"Lips Are Moving" = "You are speaking clear, intelligible English, Q.E.D., you are dishonest." Demented logic.

"All About That Bass" = "All men love chubby chicks." Generalization.

"No" = "If a man is coming onto you because he wants you, make him want you more, then drop him like a hot turd and shatter his hopes and spirit like they mean fuck-all to the universe." Emotional sadism.

"Me Too" = The pinnacle of female entitlement and egotism. Or, the female equivalent of "Sexy and I Know It".

Talentless, obnoxious, vapid, and promoting ass-backwards morals to her target audience. At best, she's a terrible role model. At worst, she needs a lobotomy.

I agree with you. So, what's your favorite band?

5486032 Like "band" band, or favorite artist in general? As far as bands go, I suppose I'd say Genesis.

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