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Anyone looking for the Word 31, it's . . . not there :ajsleepy:. Yeah, school's only getting harder and harder. Sorry guys, I'm doing the best I can here, and I'll do my best to keep these consistent. The Word of the Week is a large part of my participation here, so I'll do what I can.

Last night, it happened again.
It was something I've been running from for a long time. Something I didn't think could happen to me again. Not now that I'm here, and I'm MoralSupport4. It was something I've been fighting for a good portion of my life, and lately I've been running from it. When the issue was even brought up, I'd almost attack it. I'd attack until it shrank back into its disgusting corner of the universe. And this way, I thought I could fight it off.
Another major attack on my self-esteem.
My problem, I found, extended further than directly esteem-related behaviors of mine. I, over time, had fallen. I had fallen from joy to happiness. Happiness depends on happenings. It goes up and down with the days of the rollercoaster life is. It changes, and eventually, it ends. Joy, however, is different. Joy doesn't derive from how life goes. Joy never changes and it never ends. In being shared, happiness wanes but joy - joy only grows stronger.
Don't fall to happiness, my friends. Not like I did. Side with joy, and I promise you will shine.

Je défends toujours,

Joy ain't a emotion, but it's a choice. You need to choose to have joy in order to have it.

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