Limestone Pie 220 members · 124 stories
Comments ( 6 )
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Seriously! She is cute albeit in her own way (read: Tsundere). Honestly speaking, she has great potential of showing her softer side when off duty or alone or with her younger sister. It's too bad that there's not a lot of fanfics about this mare. :derpyderp1:

Wee need to make more fics about her. I like her strong no bullshit personality. The show needs more characters like her. I think I'll do one with her and Trixie. What do you view Limey as? I guess your headcannon, I think is what it's called?

If the show ever give you her softer side in season 6.

I've actually been thinking about writing a story involving her. When I actually get to it is anybody's guess. (including me)

This fit so well for this thread.

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