(Takes place within the universe of "A Captain's Reflection".) Not long after becoming captain of the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash faces an unexpected problem when Lightning Dust and the Washouts issue a challenge.
The sixteenth installment of What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. Twelve episodes from across all nine seasons are included this time around, including redos and bonus chapters. (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion.)
The fourteenth installment of What If series that involves the rewriting of episodes. Thirteen episodes across Seasons 1-3, 5-6 and 8-9 are covered here, including redos and expansions (Warning!: Rewrites based on personal opinion. Please respect it!
(Stand alone sequel to "Wedding Bell Blues and Whites", takes place during Season 8.) Shortly after being married to Soarin, Rarity is visited by Soarin's mother, Mrs. Rogers. She soon learns that Soarin hasn't seen his mom in a long time.
Shortly after their wedding, Ford Mustang and Rainbow Dash have already made plans to have their first foal together. But when he starts to receive terrible visions about his pregnant wife, can he find a way to prevent them from ever coming true?
Over a year has passed since his arrival, and Ford Mustang is prepared to ask Rainbow Dash for her hoof in marriage. But when an unknown force of darkness emerges, it's up to Ford to save not only his loved ones, but the world as well.
Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers.
(Takes place in the universe of "My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition" and set after Chapter 154.) Shining Armor and his friends must journey beyond Equestria to combat the threat of the evil Storm King.
(A sequel to "Soarin and The Belles".) Rarity and Soarin finally decide to tie the knot after a long time of going steady. But as any romantic couple will tell you, weddings seldom go according to plan. Will everything work out for the two?
(A sequel to "Rarity The Wonderbolt", takes place after "Marks and Recreation"). The time has come for Rarity to introduce Soarin as her special somepony to her family, including her parents and little sister. But why is Rarity so nervous about that?
The fifth installment of a What If series, that involves the rewriting of episodes. But this collection contains only ten episodes from Seasons 1, and 4-6 (Warning!: Episodes rewritten based on personal opinion, please respect it. Thank you.).
Dating a Wonderbolt certainly has its difficulties, especially for a mare like Fluttershy. However, when Soarin finally gets a break, his first idea is to spend time with his marefriend and show how much he appreciates her.
A sequel to "I'm Sorry". When Soarin comes down with a nasty feather flu shortly before a show, his marefriend Rarity decides to take his place. And she's about to find out, that being a Wonderbolt's not as easy as it looks. Will she crash and burn?
Gabby Gums may have been right, Celestia does have a cake problem. But nopony would take her seriously if they found out. A disguise is needed for Celestia, to get rid of her cake habits.
Rainbow went through a minor breakdown after she received her scores from the Wonderbolts. She was super sad when a 'Shadowbolt' went in to her mansion.
A potential story mode for the ill fated project Fighting is Magic. Princess Celestia creates the first annual Equestria Battle Tournament and everyone has their eye on the prize. Including our six heroines, and some familiar foes.
Rarity realizes she never visited her coltfriend Soarin in the hospital, and she's feeling pretty bad about it. But Soarin certainly doesn't seem to mind. The question is, why doesn't he?
A RarityxSoarin ship fic. When Soarin rips his flight suit he goes to see Rarity to have it fixed. Not long after doing so Soarin finds that he can't get the seamstress out of his head. That means he's in love.
The Stallion Six universe version of "Cutie Mark Chronicles". Rumble and the CMC learn the stories behind the cutie marks of Shining Armor and his friends.
A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.