Moving to another world means you get to leave whatever you want behind. For Sunset Shimmer, that will always be more of a blessing than a curse. Now, one conversation over tea will set in motion the future of two worlds.
After recent events, Cadance is pretty sure that she doesn't want to go another adventure for a while. Except that you don't have to leave your castle to have an adventure. Especially if said castle is haunted.
Twilight Sparkle traverses the Arctic with Sombra as she tries to learn about the mystery that was Starswirl the Bearded's life. But are these secrets what she thought they would be? And just who was Starswirl anyway? Sombra seems to know, but why?
Onyx is a young crystal pony with a twisted mind. Starswirl the Bearded whisked him away from his home with promises of being his apprentice. Sombra is a strange creature who never wanted to be remembered. However, we don't always get what we want...
She is the breaker of absolutes, the mysterious princess of the night. Now she is locked away in the sky, where the moon and stars are what remains clearest to her, even though she cannot see them. After all, it's too dark.
After years among the three pony tribes the Two Sisters fight their first great foe by themselves: King Sombra, the tyrant King of the Crystal Empire. Nothing goes as planned, everything, and everypony are not as they seem.
Aria will protect her cousin from anything, even if she is a burden, especially when it comes to the newcomer to their duo, a siren filly named Adagio Dazzle with plans of her own. [Siren Origin Story]
Princess Celestia has a quiet dinner with an old friend. They enjoy a simple conversation that has nothing to do with the impending doom that could befall both of them in the years to come. Except, it absolutely does.