Nothing can Stop the Almighty Smooze 85 members · 9 stories
Comments ( 10 )
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Well, the title speaks for itself, this is a petition for FiMFiction to add our friend the great and powerful Smooze as a character icon for our stories.

Sure he only showed up in this one episode but at least he was an actual character in the episode and not a background pony.


So if you are in favor of this petition give this topic a thumbs up and leave a comment below expressing your desire for the Smooze to get a character icon. Thank you all for reading. :twilightsmile:


Yes, but make it more... sinister then the show portrayed.

Group Admin


That's actually rather surprising, given that 33 stories come up on this search.


Quick question: By "character icon" do you mean to use as a story tag or one of the emoticons (such as this - :applejackunsure:)?

Or do you mean both? :trixieshiftright:

If I'm reading this comment of Obselescence's correctly (from the site blog about tag pages), there may actually be a decent chance of that happening. Eventually.

4418167 That would be nice. :pinkiehappy:

I whole-heartedly agree with this!

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