Nothing can Stop the Almighty Smooze 85 members · 9 stories
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Black Ultron
Group Admin

4372834 Apparently he was a villain from the original series

Soundy The Robot
Group Contributor

4372844 I want to fuck the smooze.

Brony kaiju soldier
Group Contributor

4372842 He was a villain, created by a witch, back in G1. Apparently, he changed the most beautiful of landscapes into barren wastelands just by slithering over them. He could also make ponies have pretty negative attitudes if he touched them. He was also the most powerful villain, surpassing G1 Tirek.

Group Admin


I wasn't planning on posting this in two threads, but this is the smooze:


The original version, anyways. The G4 version, I haven't seen yet, other than the preview clip.


Black Ultron
Group Admin

4372886 ....The sails look like boobs.
4372871 Ain't got nothing on Godzilla.

Group Admin


A bra, anyways. But then, this is G1 we're talking about. These are screenshots from the same movie.


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