Equestrian School of Magic 7 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

1. Be respectful. Everypony was different views and if somepony’s view doesn’t match yours, be polite.
2. Keep it canon. We want all the ideas to be possible within the canon world, so please don’t make suggestions that directly come into conflict with the show. Expanding on what is seen in the show is highly encouraged though. In fact, it’s what we do.
3. Title threads according to what they are. For example a idea on how Pegasus magic works would be titled like this: "Hypothesis: Pegasus Magic"
If you're unsure what you should put before your thread, there's a guild at the bottom of this post.

The above rules shouldn't be hard to follow, but if ponies are doing things that are unwanted, they may be edited or new ones will be added. I will try to keep everypony informed when and if that happens.

We'll go on a three strike basis. With some exceptions if you did something really bad. After three strikes you'll get kicked out. You're strikes do get cleared after a while, but I'm not giving out the length of time.

Labeling Threads
Hypothesis: Anything that qualifies as a idea about how magic could work is titled under this.
Debate: This is a polite argument where you invite others to either support your point or argue against it.
Other: Anything that doesn't fit into the premade topics or the above.
See? Simple!
If you see threads labeled anything else but the above chances are they were made by an admin. Please don't use those labels. They're admin only.

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