Starlight Glimmer has turned over a new leaf and embraced her special talent of magic. She is understandably frustrated when her mentor tells her to stop doing so much magic and get a hobby.
The newest student to the School of Friendship, a diamond dog named Ruff, gets teleported to Cloudsdale, and it's all Starlight's fault. Hopefully she can fix this mess before Twilight finds Ruff, right?
One would think that digging up an old time capsule would be an enriching opportunity to learn about the past, but maybe some things are best left buried away.
Exactly ninety days have passed since Sunny Starscout did the impossible and reunited ponykind. Once her lighthouse is rebuilt, she finds an old book in Bridlewood, and discovers that a pony has been watching all along.
After taking over the friendship school, Starlight Glimmer begins to get frustrated. It isn't running the school itself that is frustrating her, it is one particular individual and his interest in her.
The Legion of Doom has just been defeated and everypony thinks the three need a harsh punishment, save one. One pony wants to find out what caused Cozy Glow to go down the path she did before punishing her.
Starbot Glimmdroid XX-02 has been sent to a new world, an alternate reality dubbed "Equestria #065." The task: create a colony suitable for living. The problem: this world is already inhabited. How will her colony survive alone on this rimworld?
Starlight Glimmer winds up having the craziest dream one night, a dream involving an argument over who Starlight's biggest fan loves the most among multiple ponies.
The mane 6 follow a map to a weird town in Equestria, where everypony is equal in every way. Through adventure and friendship, will Equestria be saved from the evil unicorn behind this?