The Competitive Writers Guild 37 members · 22 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

For those of you who want to be in another contest in another group go here

There will be fabulous prizes. Enter for your chance to win.

Group Admin

Could you delete this thread please? It has nothing to do with this group, unless it does.... and i'm not aware.

Group Admin


I will not. It does have something to do with this group.

Group Admin


aaaaaaaaand that would be?

Because to me it looks more like an ad for another group...

I don't mind you posting something like this. I mind that you pinned it to the top of the forum as a moderator.

Group Admin


It's not just an "ad" for another group. It's a promotion for a contest that takes place in another group that members of this group can participate in. And in case you have forgotten that's what this group is all about, it's members to compete, whether it happens to be here or in another group is irrelevant. The only reason it is at the top is because there aren't that many other competitions pinned. I would think a person would pin all competitions so it doesn't get lost in the forum.

Besides I already talked it over and have permission from this group's founder DerpyBroadcastNetwork and if s/he doesn't have a problem with it then you shouldn't either.

Group Admin

That makes a lot more sense. Thanks for explaining, I actually haven't had a ton of contact with DBN about what they wanted the forums to be. I apologize, I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you. I was just trying to keep the forums clean and mistakenly took this for spam. I followed the link, Its the imaginastionists bureau group, interesting... is the contest still open?

Group Admin


It's fine. You're just trying to do your job as a fellow admin/moderator.:twilightsmile:

As for the contest itself, by all rights it should be over by now but I haven't heard from the creator of the contest, so if you want to sneak in an entry by all means do and if the creator has a problem with it I'll talk it over with him/her.

Group Admin

Sweeeeeeet thanks!

Group Admin



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