Official Review/ Contest Review: "Between a Rock and a Pie" Description: “No matter how hard he tries, Braeburn can’t forget the bad choices he made that forced him to leave Appleloosa… BUT FORGET THAT! There’s an emergency! Maud Pie arrives in town with SHOCKING news! Pinkie Pie needs Braeburn if she is to help her poor, over dramatic sister! It’s time for an adventure! It’s gonna ROCK! And we’ve got cupcakes! (Braeburn is doomed) A story about enjoying life. We all have done things we regret, but the important thing is to keep on living, find what makes happy, and most of all, smile.”
Basically Braeburn somehow (Read How Here) got banned from his home, and now lives in ponyville with the Apples his extended family. Depression over past events hits him hard… then pinki pie does… the rest is… well… chaos in all its cutest forms!
Link: Caught Between a Rock and a Pie 8/10 Official Contest Score, For Writing skill and uniqueness: This is definatly publish worthy quality. The format fits, and even adds to the story. For the most part the characters from the original series stay true (other than arguably Maud… though we really don’t know enough about her so I very well could be wrong). The story is chock full of humor which matches Pinki pie very well, though the occasional swearing and some minor grammatical and spelling errors do make it somewhat difficult to fully become lost in the story (in the good way).
4/5 For Family Friendliness: Perfect for almost all ages, though with mild swearing and some very mild fighting, I wouldn't recommend it to the shows intended audience (the very young).
Comments: Holy cow I loved this story so much! Pinki pie was amazing and Maud was funny in a way that fit her personality for the most part, while showing her family relationship with Pink ipie. Great job!
4234895 So... for some reason i didn't get a notification that we had new story's in the contestant box... I thought the contest died. Give me tell the end of today to review the rest.
Description: "We don't need to smother our friends to let them know that we're there for them. We just need to be there for them. Nopony understands this more than Artie Craftswell."
Pinki Pie has another friend that isn't part of the main six... just a good old friend. This story is his story.
9/10 For Writing Style/ Contest Score: This is perhaps the best slice of life story involving an O.C. and a member of the Main Six that I have read. The flow, the character's behavior, the characterization of Artie Craftswell, it all works together so freaking well! This type of writing is on level with high end publishing. Perhaps I missed a few spelling/ grammar mistakes, but I didn't catch any. If I did, it was because the flow of the story, its pacing and tone are so powerful I forgot all about it! Certainly professional level work here.
5/5 For Family Friendliness: This teaches a very good lessen we all have to learn, and its a painful one, when we are younger. We cant spend all of our time with our friends. Some times we have to choose to be with one, rather then another... and that sucks. It does it is such a beautiful and peaceful way that to be honest? i felt a little bit of warm fuzzy's in my heart! Recommended for all ages, including the shows original intended audience! (this is quite rare for me to do).
Comment: Sheesh... I felt like I could be reading this in an anthology of nice fuzzy slice of life fan fics about the main six, with a warm fire, a cup of hot coco and a good blanket on a cold winters night! This story made me feel... safe... emotionally as I was reading it... I have never felt safe while reading a story. I mean there have been times i have felt good, or I have felt 'not in danger' while reading... but, I mean, I have never actually felt SAFE while reading anything before. Good job!
if you are judging leave a link and your score of 1-10 in a comment below.
Official Review/ Contest Review: "Between a Rock and a Pie"
Description: “No matter how hard he tries, Braeburn can’t forget the bad choices he made that forced him to leave Appleloosa… BUT FORGET THAT! There’s an emergency! Maud Pie arrives in town with SHOCKING news! Pinkie Pie needs Braeburn if she is to help her poor, over dramatic sister! It’s time for an adventure! It’s gonna ROCK! And we’ve got cupcakes! (Braeburn is doomed) A story about enjoying life. We all have done things we regret, but the important thing is to keep on living, find what makes happy, and most of all, smile.”
Basically Braeburn somehow (Read How Here) got banned from his home, and now lives in ponyville with the Apples his extended family. Depression over past events hits him hard… then pinki pie does… the rest is… well… chaos in all its cutest forms!
Link: Caught Between a Rock and a Pie
8/10 Official Contest Score, For Writing skill and uniqueness: This is definatly publish worthy quality. The format fits, and even adds to the story. For the most part the characters from the original series stay true (other than arguably Maud… though we really don’t know enough about her so I very well could be wrong). The story is chock full of humor which matches Pinki pie very well, though the occasional swearing and some minor grammatical and spelling errors do make it somewhat difficult to fully become lost in the story (in the good way).
4/5 For Family Friendliness: Perfect for almost all ages, though with mild swearing and some very mild fighting, I wouldn't recommend it to the shows intended audience (the very young).
Comments: Holy cow I loved this story so much! Pinki pie was amazing and Maud was funny in a way that fit her personality for the most part, while showing her family relationship with Pink ipie. Great job!
BTW... this is the only story in the contestent folder about pinki pie... The others have different themes or OC's
so who won
So... for some reason i didn't get a notification that we had new story's in the contestant box... I thought the contest died. Give me tell the end of today to review the rest.
Ok... So the only other one that has anything to do with Pinkie Pie is this one... here is my review.
Official/ Contest Review: "I'm Ok with it...Really I am"
Link: I'm ok with it...really I am
Description: "We don't need to smother our friends to let them know that we're there for them. We just need to be there for them. Nopony understands this more than Artie Craftswell."
Pinki Pie has another friend that isn't part of the main six... just a good old friend. This story is his story.
9/10 For Writing Style/ Contest Score: This is perhaps the best slice of life story involving an O.C. and a member of the Main Six that I have read. The flow, the character's behavior, the characterization of Artie Craftswell, it all works together so freaking well! This type of writing is on level with high end publishing. Perhaps I missed a few spelling/ grammar mistakes, but I didn't catch any. If I did, it was because the flow of the story, its pacing and tone are so powerful I forgot all about it! Certainly professional level work here.
5/5 For Family Friendliness: This teaches a very good lessen we all have to learn, and its a painful one, when we are younger. We cant spend all of our time with our friends. Some times we have to choose to be with one, rather then another... and that sucks. It does it is such a beautiful and peaceful way that to be honest? i felt a little bit of warm fuzzy's in my heart! Recommended for all ages, including the shows original intended audience! (this is quite rare for me to do).
Comment: Sheesh... I felt like I could be reading this in an anthology of nice fuzzy slice of life fan fics about the main six, with a warm fire, a cup of hot coco and a good blanket on a cold winters night! This story made me feel... safe... emotionally as I was reading it... I have never felt safe while reading a story. I mean there have been times i have felt good, or I have felt 'not in danger' while reading... but, I mean, I have never actually felt SAFE while reading anything before. Good job!