This should be fun. Would you be okay with a dark Pinkie pie doc? By dark I don't mean cupcakes dark, I mean more like sad. Can it also be part of another Fick? Like a chapter that focuses on Pinkie piebut is part of a larger project?
All i saw was that a contest was going on so i couldn't help but take a look. I recently let my brain go crazy in a story involving Pinkie and Maud, do story's that were submitted roughly 3-4 days ago count as fair game for this? Just wondering if i could get involved, sounds like fun
How strict are you with the word "celebration"? By that, I mean would something as simple as a get-together as friends constitute a celebration (of friendship)?
Now that our first 5 members have arrived I think we should start with a contest
Since I was born in march and how our group has just started, how about we celebrate with pinkie pie
the best fic with her by march 30th wins
4115193 Any particular rule/s or theme/s or does it simply have to star Pinky?
just the party pony is required (we just started I'm just being loose with the theme right now to get everyone comfortable)
4115193 Yes, Grand Ruler, what are the regulations?
4115214 seriously
whatever just no clop fics and have it involve some sort of celebration main focus or not.
4115223 That's just my way of saying, "I'm excited to be a part of this."
Are zombies fair game?
4115228 Sure
So first contest is: Must contain Pinkie Pie and a celebration of some kind, no clop, deadline March 30th. Correct?
4115322 yep
This should be fun. Would you be okay with a dark Pinkie pie doc? By dark I don't mean cupcakes dark, I mean more like sad.
Can it also be part of another Fick? Like a chapter that focuses on Pinkie piebut is part of a larger project?
First) the only genre I'm not fine with is Clopfics so dark and even gore is fine with me
Second) Sure it can be part of another fic.
All i saw was that a contest was going on so i couldn't help but take a look. I recently let my brain go crazy in a story involving Pinkie and Maud, do story's that were submitted roughly 3-4 days ago count as fair game for this? Just wondering if i could get involved, sounds like fun
4117663 sure you can post it
How strict are you with the word "celebration"? By that, I mean would something as simple as a get-together as friends constitute a celebration (of friendship)?
4118644 yes that would work
4115193 I will promote this contest on my user page in attempts to get you more contenders.
4127139 thanks