Bambi Fans 57 members · 4 stories

Bambi/Deer Only

This folder is a collection of stories that have no relation to MLP at all. These stories can include Deer, OCs, Humans, and any of the characters from Bambi's universe, and don't have to relate completely to Bambi's universe either, but still should contain a little reference. This is a Bambi group after all. We hope you enjoy!

Please note that stories with no relation to MLP will fail approval when trying to publish to FIMFiction. So do not publish these stories to FIMFiction. Just submit them to the group. Yes, this is possible to do. And successfully bypasses story approval on FIMFiction. Just know that you story can't get featured on the front page of FIMFiction since it isn't officially submitted. But it can still be featured and advertised in groups.