Tournament of Canterlot 2016 118 members · 4 stories
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I’d promised to restart the TOC on the 1st of November; but wasn’t able to because of my health. Since then I’ve been trying to come up with some rousing speech to start things off with a bang; but the truth is, I’m just tired.

Yesterday my dad went in to have four of his neck vertebrae fused. They only managed to fuse three of them meaning he will probably need another surgery sometime in the future. He’s been in an out of hospital for years now and we’re both tired of it.

The American election is today. I know the voting is rigged and Hillary is going to get in. Even if she wasn’t; the fact that most of the Democratic voters are saying, ‘She’s not my first choice but she’s better than Trump.’ and most of the Republican voters are saying, ‘He’s not my first choice but he’s better than Hillary’ proves that the notion of true democracy is dead in America.

I can’t fix my health, or my dad, or America; but I don’t need to do those things. We’re not called to do everything, but to do the things we can do. Last year the Tournament of Canterlot raised $2,555 for to reach hundreds of Syrian Refugees.

Compared to the millions of refugees who remain, this has not changed the situation as a whole, but that was not nothing.

It mattered!

The people who it helped know it, and we know it. We can’t fix the whole world before the year ends; but we could sponsor one village to recover from disaster; and so that’s the aim of this year’s tournament.

I'm not too tired to do that. :ajsmug:

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