Knights of The Something Table 2 48 members · 200 stories
Comments ( 8 )
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Group Contributor

Well... let's be honest, this group is pretty dead, pretty redundant, and it's founder turned out to be Theater Critic. This group doesn't really have a whole lot going for it. So I'm probably going to leave.

Does this group really need to exist? I suggest we all leave, and either switch to other review groups, or start a new group (NOT Knights 3).

What do you think?

4207831 We could start a new group.

Group Contributor

That isn't out of the question, but I don't really think it's a good idea. There are other groups that do the same thing (Of the top of my head: The Badfic Bin, No Originality Brigade, Overly Stupid Fan fiction, Plan 9 from Equestria (1,2, and 3), Rage Reviews, The Temple of Ogaudno, and no).

4207840 you do have a point there. I joined this group at a bad time then.

Group Contributor

I'll wait until Saturday to see if anyone else responds, and then I'll probably leave and just use The Badfic Bin as my go to review group.

4207831 After learning he was also Black Night, your proposition has been on my mind for a while. This thread was all I needed to leave. I encourage everyone else to the likewise.

personally, I don't know why I even joined these groups. All most did was just go around and place fics they thought was bad just to get others to think the same.
Put it simple, I'm out of here.

4207831 The FIRST knights group was kinda stupid. I watched its founding events, and Guardian was egging people on to do the thing that got the Train Wreck Explorers sunk. Frankly, I have no goddamn clue why a second was made if the first was still active.

If you wanna ask for this to be deleted, it's your prerogative.

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