Harmony is disrupted by a mysterious yuri phenomenon. As relationships flare up in unpredictable passion, Bon Bon and Lyra navigate their idyllic love amidst the chaos, discovering the true meaning of stability and connection.
Sweetie Belle; a young unicorn filly who doesn't really care about the new card game in Equestria. Duel Monsters, unlike her friends Scootaloo and Apple Bloom who want her to join in the fun.
After the events of Cutie Re-Mark, Starlight makes the mistake on telling Sweetie Belle & Scootaloo about the map and how to use the time travel easily. Now these two are travelling though out time to try and save the future.
One Thousand years ago, the saints Celestia and Luna drew upon the power of the Red Stone of Aja to defeat the demon Discord. Now one thousand years later the Stone is destroyed, beginning the tale of six ponies and their quest to redeem the world.
With the return of an ancient Alicorn, the main 6 must struggle with the fact that Celestia has lied to them all about the true past of Equestria. This is about my OC, Demon Bash. Please stop the hating, if you don't like it, don't read it.
Rainbow dash's dream finally comes true, but something's wrong. Her appearance is changing little by little, can her friends save her before it's too late?
Nopony likes Rarity and Applejack together, but they can't help but love each other. In order to escape the torturing from everyday life, they run away into the Everfree Forest to get to the "happy land."
When Queen Chrysalis (disguised as Sweetie Belle) lures the Mane 6, along with Spike, in to a portal that leads to the iCarly world. If Carly, Sam, Freddie, and Spencer don't help them, they may neaver get home!
When Apple bloom breaks her leg at the farm, Applejack takes extremely good care of her to get better. Then Applejack realized that she wants her own foal to love as much as her little sister