Rational Insanity 183 members · 207 stories
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Did I ever tell you... The definition... Of... Insanity?


If you're going to say it's doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results then no. It's not.

5122718 When everyone starts claiming that you're insane, that's when you know the world has gone to shit. So much insanity. All around. Why can't they all see how insane they are?


No. It's not.

It's when you start hating pain and wishing for it to go as time passes on.

But then. It's when you stop feeling it and love it.

Everything goes to shit in front of you.

Your life is a distant memory.

Pain, is now your only friend.

And, now. You never feel it. You welcome insanity into your mind.

P.S: Vaas.



You welcome insanity with open arms. Insanity is a... Funny thing. No matter how insane you are, you are always the most insane.

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