Godzilla x Blade Dancer 23 members · 1 stories
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To the GojixBD fans in this group, I am going to write a fan-fiction that could (emphasis on could) have the romance between the king of the monsters and the royal canterlot guard. But first some really important notes: this will not be tied to the Bridge series in any way, might have some references but it will not be a spin off, sequel, or taking place during the story. The Godzilla used here will be the Legendary Godzilla from the 2014 film, not Jr because he seems to be the only Godzilla to have any ships(seriously there's like two major stories that I've read that involves him being paired up with any female mostly Luna). Its also because legendary goji is so badass I mean look at him in the film and in the new Godzilla video game he's such a beast. So what you guys think could this help out with the shipping fandom?

Group Contributor

I'll be looking forward to it! Thank you so very much!

Your welcome I'm glad to help the fandom of these surpringly interesting pair. The story may take a long time for me to do though given it'll be my first story I'll write on this page

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