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Group Admin

So here is a thread. We spread elemental awesomeness through the website and in the real world.

You can pick one Element in particular to do good deeds with or you can just do them however you please.

But here are the Element's stuff.

Laughter(aka Moi)- We do things that make people having lasting joy. Like maybe you follow someone who's new or leave nice notes around or stuff that will make people's day. :pinkiehappy:

Generosity- Though I don't have an Element for Generosity yet (still waiting for The Princess Rarity) For those of you who like to give it simply means giving something out of the goodness of your heart. Like paying for someone's meal, or giving support. Whatever you feel is generous, that's fine. :raritystarry:

Loyalty (aka Luminary)- If you have friends or you just want to show you're loyal to someone, something, etc. Try and do a good deed for Dashie!:rainbowdetermined2: Deeds for Dashie!:rainbowkiss:

Honesty(aka SirRage)- For all of you who like to not lace words. I honestly have no idea what to do for this part. Suggestions? (Sorry Applejack! :ajbemused:*sighs*)

Kindness- I don't have a Kindness yet, any volunteers? Well when you go out of your way to help someone, that counts. Just last week I was two dollars short on a present for my dad's birthday and someone paid the two dollars. Again, whatever works for you that shows kindness to someone else.

Magic(aka Spectrum Destiny)- If you want to bring a little magic to someone's day. :twilightsmile:

All of these are just suggestions. You can do whatever you're able to, then we'll be able to help random people! (That sounded better in my head!)


I'll make up the element of support. I listen to your troubles and give you helpful advice or offer a joke or a funny picture to brighten up your mood. That's what I can do, offer someone that'll listen. That'll hear you going on and on about your problems and then offer support and advice.:pinkiesad2:

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