I'll introduce myself and the admins, but they can fill in more if they choose.
First off, I'm Three-Patch-Problem, but you can call me Patchy, or TPP. I'm the Element of............ Empathy? Maybe Kindness I guess. I like cats, though I'm terribly allergic.
Next up is Luminary, Our resident Element of Loyalty. I don't know any random facts about Luminary. Well, all I know is that s/he's awesome.
Next up is SirRage with the Element of Honesty. SirRage is one of my dearest friends on here and definitely the most honest person I can know.
And now for our Element of Magic, Spectrum Destiny
I'll add new admins in the next few weeks to add new rulers. But yeah, just post your preferred nickname and a random fact about yourself.
3555212 Hi! My name is Keam, or Daffodil Spark/ Daffodil, what ever works for me. I'm Swedish, so my grammar isn't perfect and I'm a girl. If I was an element of Har,only, I'd probably be courage, because I always voice my concern when something make me uncomfterbal or I don't think something's okay. But, as you'll surly notice, I'd defiantly make a good element of talking, too. If you want to chat, feel free to PM me, I love chatting, and I do prereading if you need a prereader sometime! if you ask nicely chance are small I'll say no. ^^
Also, I love fruit. Especially plums and clementines.
Hi, I'm Dragor. I'm an element of analysis. I can dissect you anything. On that note; how do you know that Luminary is a female? Do you have a reference to back up that claim? Favorite pony: Twilight Random fact: I don't dislike any food.
So, for all who joined, introduce yourself here.
I'll introduce myself and the admins, but they can fill in more if they choose.
First off, I'm Three-Patch-Problem, but you can call me Patchy, or TPP. I'm the Element of............ Empathy?
Maybe Kindness I guess. I like cats, though I'm terribly allergic.
Next up is Luminary, Our resident Element of Loyalty. I don't know any random facts about Luminary.
Well, all I know is that s/he's awesome.
Next up is SirRage with the Element of Honesty. SirRage is one of my dearest friends on here and definitely the most honest person I can know.
And now for our Element of Magic, Spectrum Destiny
I'll add new admins in the next few weeks to add new rulers.
But yeah, just post your preferred nickname and a random fact about yourself.
3556969 Welcome!
Hi! My name is Keam, or Daffodil Spark/ Daffodil, what ever works for me. I'm Swedish, so my grammar isn't perfect and I'm a girl.
If I was an element of Har,only, I'd probably be courage, because I always voice my concern when something make me uncomfterbal or I don't think something's okay. But, as you'll surly notice, I'd defiantly make a good element of talking, too. If you want to chat, feel free to PM me, I love chatting, and I do prereading if you need a prereader sometime! if you ask nicely chance are small I'll say no. ^^
Also, I love fruit. Especially plums and clementines.
Hi, I'm Dragor.
I'm an element of analysis. I can dissect you anything. On that note; how do you know that Luminary is a female? Do you have a reference to back up that claim?
Favorite pony: Twilight
Random fact: I don't dislike any food.
Thanks! Oh, and thanks for the follow.
3557960 Fixed it