It took so long for them to even say hello. Continuous conversation grew slowly, and a real relationship required sorrow as soil. Growth came as time went by. But now it's good- perhaps even better than good. Maybe even something sweet.
Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.
Death can be a scary thing, and when the Reaper comes for Pinkie Pie she just isn't ready to go. Fortunately being the bearer of Laughter has it's perks. Death will let her have one last day any day she wishes, to spend time with anypony she wishes.
The party is over, and everypony is going their separate ways. Pinkie at first falls into a deep depression, but through the help of the Cake family, gains a new perspective about the true meaning of friendship
How did Pinkie Pie come to live at Sugarcube Corner? Fresh off the success of her first party she heads off to increase happiness in others, and finds a struggling shop to aid.
Cup Cake knows what the pegasus mare is doing. She can see the mare swaying, hear the flirty tones in the perfect voice as the mare sings her siren song to Carrot...
Gummy is such an amazing pet! The best pet in the world actually! Yet Mr. and Mrs. Cake, and even my friends are acting like big worrywarts. I don't know why they're being such party poopers all of a sudden!