Twilight and Shining go home for the holidays. They have been Nice all year. But back together again under the same roof for Hearth's Warming, some Naughty old habits... die hard.
She's always been told to stay away from the woodline- that to enter the forest would be to provoke death. And only a few dread stories as to the horrors that would see the deed done...
If you happen to be in the valley of dreams, never hide the truth, otherwise you will never get out. This place can do anything to you until it decides it's time to let you go.
Spike reflects on his relationship with Twilight. Something particularly important is bothering him. Before him is the unknown, he is afraid of falling into the abyss.
Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.
The unofficial ending to Winter's Child. Twilight Sparkle is pregnant. She has told her friends, her brother, Cadance, and Celestia. All that's left is to tell her parents. (And reveal who the father is.)
When Twilight visits home for Mother's Day, along with Shining Armor, Cadance, and their newborn daughter, she learns that a mother's work is never truly finished.
When learning that Twilight won’t be able to spend Hearth’s Warming with her family, the Apple family plans to give the Princess of Friendship a Hearth’s Warming she will never forget.