Will the future know about us or will we be forgotten and erased from history? Twilight couldn't allow this to happen. And so, she devises a masterplan to preserve the friendships of all ponies and creatures for Equestria's new generations.
Rarity sets about preparing for Fluttershy's arrival for afternoon tea. Abruptly however, a certain feline seems to think things would be better were she to be cared for by somepony else aside from Rarity. But how will the fashionista react?
(A sequel to "Rarity The Wonderbolt", takes place after "Marks and Recreation"). The time has come for Rarity to introduce Soarin as her special somepony to her family, including her parents and little sister. But why is Rarity so nervous about that?
After a fight with her brother, Turquoise Blitz, Crystal Clarity learns that siblings always make up with help from a story of Twilight's about a fight she had with Spike.
Rarity and Sweetie Belle have a fight after Sweetie accidentally tears a very important dress Rarity was working on. Sweetie gets so mad she runs away from home into the Everfree Forest.