Spike and Sweetie Belle Rock 49 members · 57 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

I believe it's time we had a small contest.

Here are the rules.

Main pairing has to be SpikeBelle
Cannot be M rated
Three Chapters Max (anymore and it will be deleted from the contest)
Cannot have a Sex and/or Gore tag.

Deadline is the end of this month.


Maybe you should be a little bit more spefifc. Maybe perhaps give us a small prompt? Give details if we win? Will there be stuff like first, second, and third place? What do we do if we win? Any other rules?

It'd make it easier, ya know? Also, I think a prompt would certainly spice some things up.

Darth Redbeard
Group Admin

4269530 When my classes are over with, I'll think of a better prompt.

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