Having only recently given up her bullying ways, Diamond Tiara still feels she has a lot to learn about being kind. Well, who better to ask about it than a certain shy Pegasus?
The Mane 6, Zecora, and Maud Pie all meet for a private poetry recital in Twilight's hollowed tree home. Together they share their thoughts on many things, mostly in the form of rhyme. Smiles abound.
Angel Bunny is feeling poorly and nopony knows why! Being the good friend that Rarity is, she readily volunteers to help Fluttershy get to the bottom of things!
After the events of "The Cutie Remark," Starlight Glimmer develops a new respect for Twilight when she discovers that they both have something in common: that they once had sanctuaries that were both destroyed.
Soarin goes into a deep depression over what he said to Rainbow Dash about banning her from the Wonderbolts during the events of "Rarity Investigates."
What starts out as a bonding experience between Twilight and Shining Armor quickly takes a turn for the insane when a strange man emerges from the woods, and he only has one simple request.
A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.
The Stallion Six universe version of "Cutie Mark Chronicles". Rumble and the CMC learn the stories behind the cutie marks of Shining Armor and his friends.