(Story idea requested by A Man Undercover, takes place directly after "Amending Fences" for obvious reasons.) Twilight realizes she's yet to apologize to Lyra for being a bad friend, and so she pays the unicorn a visit upon returning to Ponyville.
Following the Changeling Invasion of Canterlot, Twilight's friends, Princess Celestia and Shining Armor lament over how they failed to protect Canterlot from the Changelings as well for their behavior towards Twilight at the Wedding Rehearsal.
Twilight Sparkle continues to write letters to Princess Celestia & Princess Luna after becoming a princess herself, but this time as a friend rather than a student.
When Fluttershy finds out that Discord never had a birthday party, she convinces the others to help her prepare a party that would be perfect for the spirit of chaos himself.
What’s it like to be trapped in stone? Well, buckle up, because you're about to have a heart-to-heart with the king of chaos himself, and it ain’t pretty.
Starswirl the Bearded is not used to dealing with fans, not surprising since he never had one before. But when a certain purple unicorn of the distant future discovers time traveling, Starswirl soon finds his comfortable days coming to an abrupt end.