Ultra Fast Pony 13 members · 0 stories

This group is for fans of the awesome pony Abridged series!

I always felt that this series is criminally underrated and deserves a bit more spotlight.

FiW and MAS both have their spotlights, why not UFP?

Talk about all that is UFP, crack jokes, chill out with fellow fans, and hold on for Season 3!

Pinkie: This group is awesome Bru! Hey, Bru, you listenin'? Bru? Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru Bru!

Rainbow Dash: I'm part of this group, so that means all of you have to adopt me! Like, OMC! I don't have to cry myself asleep alone anymore!

Applejack: What are you lookin' at? This group idea sounds stupid! And don't ask me any questions!

Twilight: Because...MAGIC!

Fluttershy: I'm too shy to be in this group.

Rarity: I don't see any knives, going to be difficult to have fun here.

For any beginners, let these episodes take you on a journey:

Subscribe to wacarb here!

Comments ( 5 )
  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5

Lots of really tiny rocks!

Did you know that wacarb has a Fimfiction account? It is true!

Do you know what's at the beach? :rainbowhuh:


That is correct! :twilightsmile:

Silver out!

  • Viewing 1 - 5 of 5