The Unexpected Pony Adoption Center 26 members · 4 stories
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Chewed Pencil
Group Admin

So, if you haven't started a story, and you really want to or have claimed a pony, this thread will come in handy for you. Newki and I have decided to both base our stories in the fictional town of Welden, a town with a lot to offer that we haven't made up yet. So, if you wish to go along with us, all ya gotta do is base your story in Welden and let us be privvy to any ideas you may have in the future that might impact all of us. Like, for instance, my character runs a bakery called 'Sugar and Spice'.

Also, Newki is already like 5 chapters done so we gots ta catch up! And he is using his phone while in Italy! You can use this thread to vocalise any ideas that might change the future of all of out stories.

Group Admin

Have we figured out what the living situatuion for ponies would be in terms of citizenship? Cause I thought for my fic by the time Sombra's a teen, he's in school like everybody else and is technically a citizen. I just wanna know.

Group Admin

3385153 Oh, we're hoping to get the ponies revealed to the real world by the end of the first month (or thereabouts). From there... Well, the ponies are obviously sapient, so I'm assuming they like having daytime in the US and so won't piss off the Princess of the Night by refusing to grant her citizenship based on such a petty difference as "human?". Of course, politics, and we should all talk about that, but still.

You may want to start writing scenes of Sombra as a teen in parallel to him as a colt, because I don't see any of us reaching teen stage anytime soon. Then, you'll be able to release the story at the same time as the rest of us while still being able to write Sombra as a teen, then in (perhaps) a few weeks you can start releasing the scenes as a teen. And I wanna be able to do a cross with you.

Honestly, I've not the slightest how long it'll take to get to them being teens. I've written eleven days in -- admittedly, I have the entire first few months planned and branching, depending on decisions you all make so it doesn't feel like I'm trying to control y'all -- and that's taken me about a week.

TL;DR Yes, they get citizenship, but you should start out Sombra as a foal because it'll be easier to write along with the rest.

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