The Mailbox: Reloaded 86 members · 1 stories
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Hiya Twilight!

I’m finally in Manehattan after a looooooooong train trip. It was so boring, I nearly fell asleep a few times, and sleeping this early into my holiday just wouldn’t do! My hotel room here is pretty cushty, with a big bed, a shower all to myself and, best of all, free soap! I love that it’s on the house (or should that be hotel?), ‘cause it makes you feel real welcome.

So y’know that culture parade I told ya about? Well, I’ve shown up a bit early. Like, a ‘few days early’ early. I’m gonna give myself a chance to do some sightseeing (there wasn’t nearly enough time when we went with Rarity) and try to see if I can get my own float in there! I just dunno what to make it about yet. Maybe one with you and everypony else?

That might work... aren’t we supposed spread the magic of friendship now? Is that our jobs now? Does this mean I’ve got a rank now? Am I a mini-Princess? And how often do we have to spread the word anyways? I don’t really know anything. It’s not like the treecastle came with a manual or anything.

Wow… that was a lot of questions. And I don’t wanna scribble them out either or that’ll look icky. I guess that’s what big changes do to ya, right? Change is kinda funny that way. But yeah, if you want me to do anything for ya, then just ask away!

So you’re in Cloudsdale, right? Remember: don’t taste the rainbow. That’s some freaky stuff right there. I don’t care how bored you get, just don’t. ‘Kay?

I wonder what the griffons are gonna be like. Imagine if it was Gilda! That’d sure be awkwaaaaard. Just in case it somehow is Gilda, we should give her a second chance. If Discord can deserve one…

Anyways, I’m super excited to be travelling up, down and around Equestria! You will not believe how long I’ve saved up for this. Hotels ain’t cheap. Well, the good ones aren’t anyways. I don’t exactly wanna be sleeping in cockroach town. But maybe I can pass by Cloudsdale and give you a visit! I bet I can totally stroll by the guards real easy now. Not like last time at the Equestria Games. I can’t believe security almost threw me out ‘cause I wanted to sit next to you and the other Princesses!

Riiiight… I think that’s about it for this letter—no, wait! Books. If you need more books because of… y’know… just ask. ‘Cause I’m probably gonna be passing by a lot of bookstores. And I know that you’re gonna say “You don’t have to, Pinkie, really,” but it was worth asking.

Okay! Looking forward to your reply! Bye!

Your pink pal,
Pinkie Pie

P.S. Make sure you write to Applejack lots and lots! Like, double the amount of times you’ll write to me. She’s probably gonna feel worse than the time Dashie got stuck in hospital, and we all know how well that went.

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