Plan 9 From Equestria: 2 270 members · 2,121 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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Group Admin

3427696 Hell if I know. Any links?

3427925 He is a serial rapist of the English language who writes terrible shipfics. When criticized about it, he will then promptly delete and then block that user and continue on his faggy ways.

Also, he is an asshole.

Group Admin

3427928 :rainbowhuh: Holy shit.

I looked in fucking awe at the comment section on his story's.... what an asshole.

well I'm definitely going to check this out now.

3427935 I looked at his SpikeBelle story. I mentioned that there were errors, but the plot was good.
nothing happened to me.

So a quick browse through a few of his stories later...I have to say it's a little impressive to continually be told how much you suck and not to let that deter you from writing or trying to get better

Group Admin

That said, per site staff we can't have anything close to a call out thread. For sanity and not getting site staff involved I'm preemptively locking this down. Another admin can undo the lock if they want. *shrug* Just seems like I've been the only one on duty today. :unsuresweetie:

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