Conservative Bronies 68 members · 29 stories
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Gotta love how the left is so against racism but will get Uncle Tim trending because Senator Scott dared to be Black and have a different opinion. The worst part is how many are okay with this.

It's simple projection with severe cognitive dissonance. Rather amusing isn't it? How all these white idiots who are kowtowing to a radical group of racists, while simultaneously being racists themselves? Passive racism being the theory that a black man/woman can't succeed without a white man/woman's help, or the BLM/Antifa aggressive racism(just like that of the Dem founded KKK)... and ALL of them are liberal to some extent or another. And all of them are projecting their racism onto conservatives(Who freed the slaves originally. The first civil war wasn't so much North vs South as it was Left vs Right). Bloody disgusting... ain't it?

This just in: slavery is a leftist value according to you

7489181 This just in: You're still trolling here

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