Conservative Bronies 68 members · 29 stories
Comments ( 16 )
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The left's hypocrisy is astounding. They're all for tolerance unless you disagree then it's name calling

"No fascism!" says the fascists.
The irony is astounding from these liberal morons.

True in every regard.

Leftists aren’t liberals.

Tolerance and approval are two different things.

7362582 The left always claims how more tolerant they are but they're not

Can you give an example or two?

7362589 Look at any post involving Trump. People were wishing Trump died when he tested positive for COVID.

Why do you think they felt that way?

7362591 They've been against Trump since he announced he was running

Okay, but why do you think they’re so against Trump?

7362599 He's conservative and some other reasons I'll admit

Why do you think they don’t like conservatives or conservatism?

At least in America, Liberals are actually generally more center-right than leftist, with conservatives being more far right. Like people aren’t just magically on the left or on the right. People are grouped into these admittedly somewhat arbitrary categories because they hold certain views or support certain policies or act certain ways.

7362609 I'm not talking about liberals, just the left. And liberals can be center or center left too.

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