After losing his memories after the battle, Phantom Lord goes and begins his new life as a Bounty Hunter who brings fear and terror to his opponents. Can Phantom Lord evade the Equestrian Empire trackers or will he be caught?
Danny and Charming, now united, decided to face the enemy together as one. However, they must face against several different things, like the Lord of the Vamponies. Can they stop the Dawning of Darkness forever?
Crossover with Equestria War IX, from Danny's Point of view of things. When Lightning took control over the Phantom Consortium, Danny must retake it and finally unite the Phantom Consortium and the Equestrian Empire together. But can he do it or fail
When Danny is tricked by Mephiles into believing that Celestia wants him dead, Danny decides to make the Equestrian Empire pay by returning the NLR and Mephiles' old army; The Shadow Empire. With their return, what will happen to the Equestria?
Under the control of the Consortium, The Griffin Empire has grown more stronger than before. Now, Danny plans to spread his corruption and he plans to conquer the 4th world power: The Minotaur Empire.
Danny begins to grow worried of the future. He discovers of artifacts that could aid his Consortium. He seeks out an old power Discord had created long ago. He seeks out the 1 power that can rival the Elements of Harmony: The Elements of Insanity.
After Order 66 and the Fall of the New Republic, Danny goes to confront and destroy possible threats to Equestria. He is aided by more than ponies, but reprogramed droids and changelings. His goal: To defeat the remnets of the NLR.
When two ancient Equestrian enemies returned from their stone prison, its up to Danny and Charming to stop them by dividing and taking them out at different angles. Can they defeat these two menaces or will they fail in defeating these two threats.