The Ministry of Morale 51 members · 56 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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Group Admin

HA! Beat you to it, PureLogic! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Anyway, today, let's talk about how we escape.

So... What's your escape from the world?
Do you go somewhere?
Do you have a specific activity that helps you relax?

Let's hear it!

Group Admin

Well if anyone cares to know, my escape is the beach.
Not just any beach, North beach.

If anything, the surf is so nice there that I could go and forget everything as I surf until the sun goes down.
One of the best things was that the beach is usually fairly empty of people so I can enjoy the place to myself.

Riding a nice wave with the orange sunset reflecting in the water on a beach where I'm all alone was just the absolute greatest thing to me.

Another way to escape at this favorite beach of mine was in the middle of the night, 12-3am, I would throw on my favoritehoodie and just walk on the beach. I didn't have to worry about anyone being there, I could just walk barefoot in the cool sand and stare at the brilliant stars and full moon while waves crashed gently on the shoreline.
That's what I miss the most out of everything in Hawaii.

gosh I miss that place.

Group Admin

Late night meditation has also kinda become the shit for me.

That's some good, mind-clearing stuff right there.

3148537 For all three...
Sleep. Dreamland. I'm running on two hours of sleep and it's Spring Break. Yeah!!!!!

The Iron Giant! All my yes!!!!

Group Admin

I don't think I've had a nice dream that I could remember in ages. :ajsleepy:

Group Admin

Awwww.... THE FEELS!!! :fluttercry: :fluttershbad:

I thought you've never had a nightmare before, Deal. :fluttershysad:

3149554 Me neither, but sleep is peaceful. It helps a lot when you have a million things to do.

Although, to tell you the truth, it's not the actual sleep but the time right before I fall asleep that I like, the time when you're in bed and there's (hopefully) no distractions and when you clear your mind and don't have to remember the 50 million things that have gone wrong that day...

You know, sleep is starting to sound really good now. :rainbowwild:

Group Admin

3149281 :raritystarry:



I fout hawiee wuz ur home, deawy?


Group Admin

No nightmares, but nothing worthwhile to remember either.

Group Admin

3149578 Once, I had a dream about eating fluffy pancakes and riding on unicorns over raaaaaiiinbows. :derpytongue2: But now I can't sleep.

Group Admin

That's kinda what I get out of meditation. It's like sleeping while you're awake.

It does really help alot.

3148537 I don't have any real life physical escape. I escape within my mind. Sometimes I achieve that with my writing, sometimes I just drift off and play scenarios of a scene in my head.

As for dreams, those are nice. Especially the lucid ones. I already attempted 2 openings of a portal to Equestria. Someday I'll get there. :twilightsmile:

3149655 Oh my god, reading this comment made me remember a dream I had a couple nights ago. I was working on some sort of trans-dimensional device down at MIT labs, and all the pieces had been put together. I just needed to input the coordinates, and I could swear I was putting in the last couple of digits for Equestria...
And that's when my alarm woke me up.
I shall try again in a couple minutes!

3149664 Can you just order yourself to sleep in a couple of minutes and then force yourself to continue the dream you had?

What was your machine supposed to do?

3149673 Well, I'll try, that's for sure! Sometimes I can... It's kind of hit-and-miss.

Also, the device was supposed to send something across dimensions, and attached to the device was a small monitor that showed an image of the destination. Most of the time of the dream was mainly going through the codes I had apparently previously derived somehow (watching them all fail), and I had yet to input the last code. I was hopeful, though, and now I will see if I was successful! Maybe.

3149682 That's an awesome superpower you have there, to be able to control your dream theme. I can only rarely do that (it happened with the portal to Equestria, though).

Good luck on your sleeping.

Group Admin

How do you control your dreams?! I have nightmares al the time, and all I wish is to be able to kick the crap out of them. :ajbemused:

3149697 Thanks! The trouble is actually remembering my dream. That last one was probably the only dream I could remember in at least a month. I'm hopeful, though!

3149703 You have to be lucid dreaming to be able to control your dreams. The moment I learn that I'm dreaming is the moment I gain control over my dreams. I can use telekinesis, I can walk through solid matter and flying is a second nature for me.

I'm still struggling with creating stuff from nothing, making something disappear, teleportation and mind control. I can do it, just not reliably.

Sometimes I become lucid during nightmares. That's the moment tables turn."You're in my dream now!" :pinkiecrazy:

The trick to lucidity is to constantly test reality. I do that by flying and telekinesis (hint: they don't work in real life). Some do it by looking in the mirror, turning on a light switch, looking at the watch (none of it works well in dreams).

If you doubt reality in reality all the time, you'll be testing it in dreams as well.

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