The Ministry of Morale 51 members · 56 stories
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Group Admin


Everyone feels it at one point or another.
It can be pretty hard get things done when you're under too much.

With that in mind, how do you deal with stress? Do you have a special song you listen to or a favorite drink that helps? Yoga maybe? What helps you relieve your stress?

For a less serious topic...

Hamburgers or tacos/burritos
which is better?

3135656 Just do the best that you can despite of stress. If you do everything in your power, then there is no need for you to feel stressed out.

Worry only about the things that you can effect. It's useless to worry about anything outside of that.

Singing and playing on guitar the songs that I wrote helps me unwind If I feel anxious. Writing is also good.

On the other topic: I haven't eaten either in more than a year, but since you're asking, I vote for hamburgers.

Group Admin

Stress just comes naturally with most responsibilities I guess.

3135854 Maybe, but you can still just ignore it. Focus on the task at hand. If there's nothing you can do about it, just have fun watching things fall apart around you.

3135656 To be honest, I write. That's how I deal with stress, even though writing itself produces more stress. It's weird because I like the stress I feel when I write. Maybe I'm just crazy. :derpyderp1:

As per the second topic...
Tacos. Just 'cause.

Group Admin

You ain't alone! :scootangel:

3135656 Ice cream helps me when i'm stressed over big things like- crapcrapcrap they demand a new chapter! ICE CREAM TIME! Over small things, I usually run. I don't do jogging, as I feel it a sissy sport. But running, totally. :rainbowwild:

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