The Ministry of Morale 51 members · 56 stories
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Group Admin

Hello to all, yes! These is the Daily Discussions, yes! And We will be thy host today at this moment on the time line! We must first introduce Ourselves, yes! We are the Purest of Logics, PURELOGIC'S INNER THOUGHTS, YES! Which mean We know all of her secre- What dost thou mean "she hath no secrets?"?! SHE MUST BE HIDING SOMETHING! We must go- no discussions today! OFF!

:facehoof: I take one nap...
One nap.
All well! :pinkiehappy: Today our topic of discussingnessticity (I swear its a word. In my dictionary at least.) is something a little easier to understand--
Creating an OC.
For those of you who don't know, an OC is an Original Character. Essentially, they yo babay. You have created this from just the soundest shadows in the farthest reaches of your mind and they may be good- like Nyx or another that I don't have on hand. :facehoof: Or they may be bad- like the dreaded red/black alicorn Mary Sue! SHE WILL DEVOUR YOUR HEART!
Actually... that kinda sounds cool. THEME SONG!
Mary Sue!
Mary Sue!
Eats your heart and
Devours you!
Ahem. Yes, but what do you think about OC's?
Do they immediately tell you "NO!!!!"
Or do they draw you in?
How do you write an OC?
Have you had good experiences with them, or did they make people hate your story and brand it a Mary Sue?
Uh-uh-uh! Gotta go!

I love OC's! Well, properly written ones that is. I believe it is the truest mark of a good fan fiction writer to take the basic premise of the show and make it their own with a great OC or two. (Boy golly that was a long sentence, I could be Charles Dickens)

I use almost all OC's for story Light Fades Fast. It's been getting a lot of mixed reviews lately. Not sure if it's my characters or the fact that I need to edit (currently working on that).

My next story will be set in an alternate reality with all OC's save for Rarity. So, I'll run with it and see if it is the OC's or my writing.

I try to write My OC's as separate from the show. I step back and ask myself "Is this character engaging? Would anyone want to read my story if I transported it away from the mlp universe?"

I think the main thing we need to keep in mind is that OC's need to stand up by themselves or they do nothing but distract from the story. I still stand by them and will continue to. After all, they represent some of the best qualities of the fan fiction.

Boy I did write a lot! Maybe I am Charles Dickens? Too bad I'm not getting paid by the word!

Anywho, on a final note I'm looking to practice drawing OC's on gimp so if you have one your dying to have drawn I'll give it a try.

Group Admin

3121528 Wow!
You really should be Charles Dickens! :pinkiehappy: RARITY?! I LOVE RARITY!
Ahem. Yes, your stories sound really interesting, can I get a link? :pinkiehappy:

I'm an awful artist. I can draw... to a very fine point. I think I drew a friend's OC once... It was a draconequus.

3121358 I write fanFiction. Firstly I try to use a character in the show. If no character fits the part I have to create an OC. I create it so that it fits into the part.

I make OS interesting by always asking myself the question: "What's the interesting reaction one could form in this situation?" while keeping a close eye on it, so that OC never contradicts himself/herself.

When I connect the reactions, a head canon for this character automaticaly starts forming in my mind, but I don't write all that down, because I usually don't need it for the story.

Group Admin

All right. You guys have just earned the name--


Here's the link!

I only have my iPod today so no fancy hyperlinks. Alas, I have not mastered touch screens yet.

I haven't had the chance to write my Rarity story yet. It's going to be Rarity getting teleported into an alternate dimension. There she ends up working for the military state of Equestria in the MRB (magic reintegration bureau). Pretty much it's a dimension where magic has been repressed and technology has been put in its place. After a war the unicorns won the right to use magic but it's reintroduction does not go smoothly.

We need more Rarity stories with her being awesome! At least that was my justification for it. I'd love feedback on the idea.

Group Admin

3121724 THANKS!!
*runs quickly in direction of story* COOL COVERAAAART!!!

I treat OCs the same as any other characters. I think most people's negative feelings regarding OCs comes when certain issues present themselves. One such example, the reader is unfamiliar with the OC and the writer isn't showing or telling the reader who the character is, so the reader has to end up making up their own associations. Another really annoying thing is when the writer warps the world around the OC so that it agrees with the OC completely.

Personally, I think I can enjoy any story as long as it's done well. I don't have a preference for or against OCs.

3121684 I love your method. I'm going to try asking myself your question before I write my OC's down. Great advice!

3121759 I agree. Great point about the OC's being easy to visualize. Now I feel the urge to go over my stories! Argh! I get a picture of them in my head but I have to remember the reader can't see my thoughts. I'm going to be more careful from now on.

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