The Library 38 members · 189 stories
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Group Admin


These rules are for the FORUM, other rules, you should seriously know them :pinkiehappy:

1. Threads should be only relevant to My Little Pony and/or The Library or others groups/stories/FIMFiction. I don't want some random thread about Spongebob secretly being a spy in Transformers unless it is for a MY LITTLE PONY crossover.

2. Politeness to other members is always something EVERYONE should consider. We don't want to go around the Internet being the savage MLP group. We are only here to relax and have fun, not to bully and ridicule.

3. No stealing anything from anyone. Plagiarism is a huge crime, and if you do steal something, this will result in a ban. This is my harshest, strictest rule, so please, please don't steal :twilightsheepish:

Threads Allowed in the Forum
• Roleplaying threads (have to be open to everyone)
• Story Suggestions (such as 'would you read a story about, any original ideas for a derpyxfluttershy ship, etc)
• Discussions (anything, but the latest episode discussion will always be stickied!)
• Games (fun games, like 'pinkiepiextwist, twistxapplebloom, applebloomxtrixie, or other mlp games)
• Competitions (you can post a competition, but YOU MUST SUPPLY THE PRIZE)

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