Anime Lovers 66 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

So yeah, I just watched this show in one go today. Does anyone have any ideas what the hell it actually means? I mean, yes, it's really good fun to watch and has some real laugh out loud moments in it, but I get the feeling that all the bizarreness has to amount to some kind of a deeper meaning.

All that aside, though, I think it's a perfect example of the strengths of animation; no way could anyone ever create the same kind of visual effects in live action. Also, the music is really damn cool. (I hope that this thread actually shows up in people's notifications.)

Anyway, if you've seen it then what did you think of it?

Group Admin

Damn...I should just start checking this place everyday because I didn't get a notifcation.

I've watched flcl several times and still don't really get it. I think the overall theme or message is basically just about a kid dealing with growing up in his own sort of fucked up way.

I really love the animation in this anime was just a superb animation job.

(Also if you couldn't have guessed my favorite character was canti)

Group Admin


I think group notifications are just plain broken, I only just saw this reply.

Anyway, you're probably right about the overall idea of the story. I think the point of it is to be something that someone should watch without really trying to understand anything, it's just one ridiculous piece of eye-candy after another. (I more or less gave up on the idea of trying to make sense of it.) And yeah, the animation is fantastic in the action scenes.

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