Mother-verse 130 members · 6 stories
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Group Admin

Should there be a clopfic oneshot?

no.. they are foals!

2889788 if its set in the future where they are of age then yes, but not as foals.



Applebloom horny! :applecry:

Seeing as Apple Bloom is kinda written as a "I'm only dating ya for ya money" character with momentary spouts of caring for Tiara, then nah. Not unless it's considered non-canon, I think...

Oh, and age-up. The comedy in these stories is how DT and AB are little kids taking care of a little kid. Sex isn't a little kid subject.

What would be interesting to see though is a story where DT and Bloom know that sex is something married couples do, but have no idea what it is. They ask a random pony about it and the pony lies to them and say that it's something like...baking a cake for your foal when they did well in school. DT and Bloom are like "oh ok!!" then decide to bake a cake for Scoots and then they brag to their families that they "had sex in front of Scootaloo" and the adults are like "WHAT?? BUT YOU'RE KID...SHE'S A KID??? PARENTS SHOULDN'T HAVE SEX IN FRONT OF THEIR KIDS....????"!!!!!

...Or maybe that's just funny to me.

I don't really think you should, but it's really up to you. I'm just a face out in the crowd like everyone else. Angel_Girl1217, out! :moustache:

Group Admin


After careful consideration, I have decided not to add a clopfic into the story, however:


I have had a similar idea to this. But instead they decide to spy on another lesbian couple (most likely Lyra and Bon Bon) and as the two start having sex, it scares both of them and they agree never to do that.

That's the idea at least, so the overall plot is subject to change. But due to the opinions of readers, I will not have DT and AB star in their own foalcon/clop fic, so sorry to all those disappointed.

Now you may say: "But if you age up you can write it!"

Normally that is a good idea, but that kinda undermines the premise of the mother-verse. Like
2893154 said the story is about two kids raising another kid together, and I just couldn't write an aged up AB and DT.

Buuuut this is a Universe. Any of you can add a story that fits in the mother-verse if you so choose to. You can only add it into the non-canon section, but if I feel it should be canon then I will move it to canon.

Of course clopfics will most likely remain non-canon, but happy writing anyways :twilightsmile:.

And thanks for all the input, glad you guys/gals were willing to give your two cents.


I was thinking more along the lines of somepony pointing out that their marriage could be annulled until they consummate it, lol

this is'nt a good idea homie, just stick to what it is, no clopping please:fluttershbad:

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