The Story Reading Trade Group 102 members · 255 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Hey there.
I got a proposal for you sexy bronies out there.
See, I'm in a bind. I'd enjoy feedback and readers on my fic. But rather than whine and beg and plead for people to read it, I enjoy this, like, story trade tit-for-tat thing going on here.

So, you read my fic, or at least take a peek at it, and I'll do the same for something you'd like feedback on.

My Credentials:

I worked for three and a half years as a reviewer for local films and plays in my city. It was a side job I did for fun. I write and edit for a living. I'll give you honest feedback, and writing tips. And I'll even try to make a joke or two. I'll answer your questions, writer to writer, and do my best to help you do better.

You game?

Take a Look!

Group Admin

I've already read this, but please check it out, peoples. The person above me is incredibly awesome.

2828655 Hm, I won't read it now, but I will give your story a 'read later'.


Want me to read something?

2829058 When you have the time you can read my story My Very Little Ponies . It's not perfect, but I rather like it.

I'll take you up on this. I would like feedback for The Devil's Details. It's due to be revised, and any constructive feedback on what's currently up would be greatly appreciated.

Would you prefer feedback for your own story to be posted as a public review, or as a post in this thread?

Uhhh, whichever works for you. :V

  • Viewing 1 - 50 of 7