The New Lunar Republic Air Force 187 members · 11 stories
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(I'l see what i can do without being spotted by the mods.....MSG stealth music plays)

Group Contributor

"Alright then. I'll start preparing some tools for this mission. I'll see you all tomorrow!" *With that I head off to start preparing.* (busy day today I'll check the forum when I can. Ttyl!)


(Coz apparently RP'ing still aint allowed.....But theres so many sites still up and to be honest they dont mind unless its over a massive comment 60,000!:twilightangry2:

3186061 (I know this. That's why the whole crazy uncle thing isn't a thing. That was someone's panic to end the whole thing in a second. I forced them to try and do it for the rest of the day. f:rainbowkiss:k going out with a whimper, if this group goes out, it'll go out with a f:rainbowkiss:king ROAR!)


(Fuck a roar mate imma go out with a mass of explosions consisting of C-4,M67 frags, M203 Grenades, 30mm HE cannon rounds, 104mm AA rounds and a single MOAB....climaxing with a fire work show with the british national anthem playing in the back ground and with a finale firework blasting into the british flag :rainbowkiss:)

3186098 (that sounds too American to be English.)


(Hey. Im a military junkie....we have em to ya know.)

3186105 (yeah but that just sounds like something a stereotypical American would say. And given it's testosteronaly induced awesomeness, but I like to slightly more poetic. Are you sure your the Britt here? Cause the stereotypes are absolutely backwards here.)


(Im a teen mate. My dad drove a challenger mark II. I want to be in the army/ air force either as a grunt pilot SF soldier or a SO soldier......My uncle was in the highland gunners.....Now tell me why its stereotypical.)

3186110 (The whole explosives thing. The "American way" is supposedly, blow shit up. And when you're done with that, blow up more shit! I was only saying that what you were saying sounded more American than what I said.)


(Eh. I get that alot. I love seeing things get blown up.....Im like Haggard but less american. The british Haggard.)

3186114 (and i'm like Thoreau but less dead. I know he's american but let's face it, there are almost no intelligent American's anymore.)


(Uhhhhhhh......Yeah i see where ya coming from.....NO WAIT HOLD UP!......Slim Shady.)

3186117 (Rappers are automatically retarded in my book. that goes for Pinkie Pie now too. :pinkiesad2:)


(:trixieshiftright::trixieshiftleft:....Even tupac......who tried his hardest to sort america's gang shit out.....Which he died because of....)

3186128 (America is fucked up. And messing with gangs more or less signs your death warrant. I'm not saying it's amazing that he tired but let's face it, one person can't get rid of gangs. especially in america. MS-13 has fucking grenade launchers!)


(Meh....And no offense to your armed forces or anything but they aint the best either. In term of man power and smashing shit yeah....Training though...i think britain wins.)

3186149 (Though our Special Forces do out class SAS. SAS was the base of US Special Operations and they evolved it from there. The rest of the military aren't that good. But since we both (USA and Great Brittan) fought the same war (Iran-Irac) and pulled out before things got too hot I think our basic troops are about equal.)


(Hmm. SAS is renowned as the best (and this is what a world wide servey said) SF unit out there. Our grunts get basic hand to hand CT but its morely bayonet with a few kicks and punches added in. To be honest if we both go into a war together. The other sides gonna get hurt.....Bad :rainbowdetermined2:)

3186156 (I was going off of an old servay i guess. Eh, it doesn't matter. It's not like relations with england are stressed like they are with Russia and the Middle East)


(Yeah. Quite a few eastern countries dislike you. But hey theres a slight democracy in afghan now :pinkiehappy:)

Group Contributor

(I also want to join the military. 1 factor . The Canadian military is more for peace keeping. I still will have pride protecting mine and other people's countries. Plus I'll also be fighting for the crown. Since Canada split Off of Britain.)

3186261 (I can't join. With the resent base shooting in Texas and the restrictions on people with mental disabilities, i could be the fastest, smartest, most dedicated soldier, but the second you have autism and a history of violence in middle school you're more or less fucked)


(Your canadian? :pinkiegasp:)


(I feel sorry for you mate. Honestly i do. To have something you wanna do so close to just be crushed by a few people who went crazy.)

3186279 (yeah. and all i want to do is be a mechanic.)


(Ahh...i think i can see why. Im still pretty sad for you mate. But arent the mechanics the one's who disarm IED's to. Still thats not the point. You got fucked over coz someones mind was fucked over and it aint right.)

3186295 (I mean on aircraft. Why do you think i'm colonel of this air force?)


(Oh the air force :twilightoops::twilightsheepish: sorry i thought you mean the army. Sorry bout that :twilightoops:. If so thats not fucking right...i mean yeah sure you'l get basic WP but thats it pretty much.)

Group Contributor

3185789 3186037 3186041 (Whatever happened to TachyonicBow? He used to be a big player in these things)

"Fair points all around. I'm still a bit confused as to the infil tactic. Are we scaling the hull from RIBs, airdropping or landing F35s? I prefer the latter, but no matter what I need to know so I can work up some mission-specific tactics and gadgets for us. First tactic, somepony get an MK32 grenade launcher and use it to take out all the rebel aircraft they can hit before they get off the ground. We can plant a C4 charge on the elevator between the flight deck and storage, ground every craft down there."


(I dunno man. He hasn't been online at all)

"For that you'll have to ask the CO. I just do what I'm told to do." I reply huffing a little "As for the MK23's would be a good idea. But only one pony carrying it, there shit for CQC blocking every path and hallway."

3186872 (IDK)
"The planes will drop bombs on the flight deck, a few troops helo in and then infil however they can. "

Group Contributor

(Yeah I'm a Canadian you couldn't tell XP. Btw's my Skype is scootaloo5000 and my play station network is DragoniteWill for any ps fans that are probes not existing on thus air force ...)


"If they drop explosives on the flight deck they'll have to be low explosive for risk of them punching through the flight deck before exploding. Could capsize the ship prematurely."

3188028 "So long as we punch one on hole it we should be fine."


"But the team will be under the deck. And anyone under the deck during a capsize is as good as dead."

3188042 "A 500lb bomb will punch a hole but won't go through the deck. It's not hard."


I sigh heavily "Fine...But if I die I'm fucking haunting you for the rest of your life." I reply pointing at hoof at you and smiling slightly.

Group Contributor

(I left but I can second that midnight.)/

:ajbemused: "Nexus has done worse to my dreams in basic training. A hunting would be a welcome change."


"Okay okay. Just tryin to bring in some friendly banter is all. It seems like this is all we shot no strikes left, eh."

3188581 (there's going to be missions that we'll handle in before that)


(:facehoof: that's Kay I'll edit it then)

Group Contributor

3188035 3188042 "I'm with Jetstream on this one. If I land my F35 on the flight deck, I'll need the runway intact to take off again. The F35B is STOVL, not VTOL. And bombs just aren't precise enough to leave the carrier safely intact for us to infiltrate. If we want to use RIBs, we can drop at least three from the back of a C130. But no matter what, if I have the choice, I'm going in with my F35B. Another note: Celestia-class carriers are nuclear reactor-driven. Once we have our data, I could go in and trigger a meltdown to cover our tracks."

3189292 ":ajbemused: Have you ever heard of a Chinook? Or a Black Hawk for that matter? Come on."


"You may agree with me on the deck but as for the jet.....I'm afraid it isn't to practical. If we had a black hawk or a lynx helo. We'd be able to get in and be provided cover support via the gun on the side."

3189301 "Would a Cobra or two settle your nerves?"


"I don't care what it is. Apache, eurotiger, cobra just as long as we won't get shot up even before we're below decks."

3189309 "The attack choppers will provide support while the jets deal with anything that might have gotten up before the bombs hit."

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