Finding Love 17 members · 7 stories

This is for the people that love...well, love. For those who love the romance stories made. For finding love, is a great thing.

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I hate myself so much, because I let a few dislikes affect what I do with the story "Love is Rare." I was so sad that I deleted it. But due to Jon Bucker talking some sense into me, I realized that I should never let anything knock me down. So this is a shout out to Jon Bucker. Also, I'll be coming up with more romance stories soon. Until next time; Keep Calm and Brony on! (Keep Calm and Flutter on to the Pegasisters out there. You know who you are).
Ian DelValle

I've officially deleted my story in progress "Once Upon a Starry Night" and I feel ashamed, because this is the first time I've ever given up on something my mind was 100% set on. However, taking it's place will be the romance called "Love is Rare."

I feel like a total idiot for not being able to get my stuff together for "Once Upon a Starry Night." I'm so sorry. I WILL work harder.

Just wanted to say that I'll be posting my new romance "Once Upon a Starry Night" today.

I hope you all know that you could add some romance stories and I won't mind, right? It's kinda boring on this group, lately, since nothing much happens. If any of you have romance stories, I'd be glad to see them.

I just read DerpyDitzyDerpyDo's story The Trixie Treatment and I say congrats to him or her for making a good story. Next, I'm going to check out JenkinsRevenge's stories.

345126 Hello. It's me, the founder of the group. Just like to welcome you as well as the rest (in fact, I might PM them later). I'd like to think of you and everyone else in the group as friends, so please don't feel odd talking to me.

Hello, and welcome to the group Finding love. I've made this group because there is a side of me that loves to write romance. If you ever feel like talking to me, that's cool, too. I'm always up for discussion on my spare time (Which is evened out with my writing time to prevent anti-socialness). If you want to check out my romance stories, just hover the cursor over my name and click. I have two romance stories so far, named "Music in our Hearts" and "The Apple Tree and the Olive Bush." Until next time, Keep Calm and Brony (or Pony) on.
Yours now and forever,
Ian Lawrence DelValle

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