The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group! 1,288 members · 149 stories
Comments ( 7 )
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Group Admin

We don't hold anyone to a specific standard when it comes to reviews, and this includes your spelling and grammar. There are pros and cons to this.

On the one hand, it ensures that there's not much of a barrier to entry for this group. Nearly anyone can become a commentator, and I think that fosters a more open and pleasant community.

On the other, it lacks professionalism. Reviews can vary widely in quality, though we've tended towards higher quality and more detail over time (which a quick look through our oldest reviews can easily show).

I don't intend to impose such a standard here, nor do I believe there's any great deal of support for such an idea among the admins. However, there is one area where I feel the commentators ought to be policing themselves.

Spelling and grammar are some of the most basic tools the writer has. They're at the forefront of how you present yourself via the written word, and as such, they determine how others perceive your skill with it. First, and most importantly, a review with poor spelling and grammar gives the impression that the reviewer lacks skill or talent with the written word. And if they are incapable of wielding language well, that suggests an overall poor grasp of the subject. I'm sure you can understand that if readers believe a reviewer to have a poor grasp of the written word, they'll take his opinions with a grain of salt. And so, your review becomes less credible.

Second, while we don't place as high an emphasis on spelling and grammar as Twilight's Library or The Royal Guard, we do still critique them and consider them part of the quality of the writing when we rate a story. A review which criticizes a story's spelling and grammar while having poor grammar itself will appear hypocritical, and rightly so.

Third and finally, remember that as this is a review group, our reviews and commentaries are the primary face we present to the rest of the site. If the reviews we produce are of poor quality, it reflects poorly on the group as a whole.

Reviews will vary in quality for any number of reasons, and we don't expect anyone to be perfect. But this is a basic area that's very easy to correct. And some people work from awkward situations. I've posted from my smartphone in the past, and autocorrect can be a pain. But for the sake of your own image and that of the group, regardless of how you write them, give your reviews an editing pass before posting.

Group Admin

As to this post, I agree.

Group Admin

3701413 ye guise ewse gud gramrr pls



*restrains urge to stab Froggie with a red correcting pen*

Group Admin

3702397 btu my sentense r purfact D:



*goes for the jugular*

Group Admin

It's best you run... Hiding is not an option.

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