The Idea Boost Group 57 members · 68 stories
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The Most Dangerous Game (also known as The Hounds of Zaroff) is a rather well-known short story. However, there is a rather unknown pre-Code movie adaptation of the same name released in 1932. It's not good by today's standards (Rainsford and new character Eve Trowbridge are as interesting as a pile of shredded paper), but it's pretty tightly-constructed. The ship model at the beginning looks pretty convincing, as do the sets (The jungle sets during the second half were used during simultaneous shooting with King Kong), and it's one of the first movies to have a soundtrack during the actual movie. Even the music by Max Steiner is pretty good, especially Russian Waltz, the film's Leitmotif. Sure, it's narmy as all f**k, but it's still a pretty decent movie to watch if you want something different. It's even got an In-Color/Restored iTunes release

Is this something I should do a cross-over with? Or should I avoid doing a crossover of such a movie?

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