Comments ( 1 )
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Group Admin

One thing that I have noticed, is a lack of stories.
There are nine of you here besides me and no one but three have posted a story. This group is for new/experienced writers yes, but it's to share stories. And if you aren't sharing for fear of whatever, I have this to say. This group is geared towards helping the newer writers just getting into writing, and are either on their first, second, or third story. I myself have only begun work on five MLP fan-fictions (With two completed works), but I have experience outside the fan-fiction genre. I made this group to help those just starting work on their stories. I can not help you, either getting them out or with the writing itself, if you don't submit them.
So, please submit stories.

And also, any criticism here will be constructive criticism. That is to say, no trolling, bullying, negative criticism, or anything else will be tolerated. Any reported insident of such things WILL result in a 'shoot first ask questions second' ban.

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