Big Macintosh is Best Pony 136 members · 170 stories
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The Notebook
Group Admin

Mac explain the need for this

Nope. :eeyup:

Fine I will.

Your Rules Peons:

1. Have Fun forcibly shipping my hunk of awesomeness friend here. He's about five foot tall, red, hay like mane, single, ready to do the de-

Eenope! :eeyup:

OW! Fine I'll stop.

2. If you are to post a thread please post it under the right tags.

Disscusion, Character-Building, Shipping, Has this been done(Will explain momentarily), Self-Promotion, EEYUP tags are for admin update threads only. They will normally contain into on the groups future.

3. Has this been done, these tags are allowed under the rule I'm about to state. DO NOT under any circumstance post about anything but Big Mac.

4. Try not to spam. Spamming be repeat offenders will result in periodic bans as any other group.

5. I don't mind some of topic threads but if that is all that's being posted I will lock all those threads and give a warning to the makers not to do it again.

6. I am not afraid of banning anyone I put in the Administrative position. If you choose to troll the group or cause a rule break. You will be treated as a normal user. It's a privilege not a power.

Good day and remember.

Once you go Mac. You. Never. Go. Back.

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