Hug Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara! 267 members · 306 stories
Comments ( 12 )
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I'm writing a story. In it, Silver Spoon gets hugged, but DT doesn't, and the story isn't very hug-centric. Can I add it anyway just because Silver gets hugged? (This question sounds so stupid...)

2410924 Silver Spoon yells at her at one point...But DT isn't physically getting hurt. I'm scared to add it. :fluttershyouch:

2410932 That part's mainly a subplot, but ya hit the nail on the head.

2411166 Yeah...but I still want Silver redeemed.

SweetAI Belle
Group Admin


You can add it if either one of them are hugged. I've got separate folders for them.

I hafta agree that it might be more original if Diamond isn't a terrible pony. You know, it's possible for Diamond to be the one pushing Silver into bullying, and for Silver to break up with her because of it, without Diamond actually being that bad. To have a fight and for friends to separate doesn't actually need one side to be a clear bad guy...

--Sweetie Belle

2411308 I just like Silver Spoon better.

I for one would love to read it!

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