Political Ponies 182 members · 52 stories
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How can someone believe in evolution but not race.

Concept of race is generally used by those in power to oppress people

Race is a modern invention that was created as a means to justify subjugating other people.

But how can you say it doesn't exist? If you believe in evolution you kinda have to believe in race

But you agree that animals can change and evolve to live in different environments right? So why not mankind?

Yes, but race has nothing to do with it. Race is not a biological construct, like I said before, race is a human invention based on superficial and biologically insignificant features, it is instead an anthropological construct.

What about the fact that every test ever done has shown that you can tell someone's race just by looking at their DNA. For example there are different kinds of wolfs. Why? Because of evolution of course they evolved to live in different environments and do did mankind for example most black peoples evolved to live in sub saharan africa and white peoples evolved to live in Northern Europe they evolved to live different kinds of lives I am not a racist I am not saying one is better but I am saying you can't ignore the reality of race

> What about the fact that every test ever done has shown that you can tell someone's race just by looking at their DNA.

They can tell you where you came from, but not your objective race, because race is a very subjective thing.

Race DOES exist, but it's waaay more complicated than white, yellow, black, brown. For example, one could argue that Northern and Southern Europeans are separate races.

Comment posted by MxGoat deleted Jan 13th, 2019
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