Weston College: Reconnect RP 11 members · 0 stories
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The Swan Gazebo:

In the center of the Weston College gardens lies a pavilion with a statuette of a swan perched on the top, giving rise to it being popularly referred to as the "Swan Gazebo". A discreet plaque indicates it to be for "Prefects and Staff Only". This isn't entirely true, but anyone else coming to this gazebo had best be a guest of either a staff member or prefect, or summoned by one of the above.

A bridge over a small stream leads to the area, koi swimming merrily below it. Thick bushes, trees and blooming flowers surround the area. In the gazebo are four comfortable couches, each in the color of a dorm, several chairs and a few tables. Off to one side is a small bookshelf with a few books, and a cooler stocked with a few drinks and snacks.

The gazebo itself has a relaxed atmosphere, but don't let this fool you. In the past, many important decisions about the school have been made here.

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