The Violet Wolf Dorm: Walking along a path on the north side of the college, a tall Victorian-era building can be found on top of a short knoll. With its steep roof and the tower to one side, it could easily be mistaken for a haunted house. That, however, is the most normal thing about the dorm.
The whole building is completely purple, but the shade changes throughout the day, ranging anywhere from a light lavender to a deep purple. The roof is dark purple, almost black in color, and checkered with light purple octagons.
As you walk up the path, basalt rocks crunch underfoot, cutting through tall, unkempt grass. Tall black lamp posts tower overhead, casting eerie shadows over the path as you continue on. Tall blooming trees are scattered along the path, bearing apples, lemons and cherries.
Looking in the windows as you approach, you see nothing but your own reflection. Leaving the path, you step onto a deck of polished oak, with a large circular oak door in front of you, opening downwards. In the center is a silver knocker in the shape of a wolf, with pieces of amethyst for eyes.
Knocking three times, the door swings backwards. Going in, your path leads down to a curved hallway with light plum colored walls. Black swirls on the walls seem to move if you focus your eyes on them for too long, so you look down at the thick dark velvet carpeting instead as you move forward.
Soon, you reach two ornate metallic spiral staircases, leading to the Violet Wolf sleeping quarters. Between the black stairways is a triangular door which leads to a large expansive common room.
The walls of the common room were covered with moving murals, all different, and the ceiling, amazingly, looked just like the sky outside, clouds moving, and accurately depicting the time of day. Plush beanbags lay all around the room, perfect for curling up on and drawing or writing on, with low tables nearby.
In the center of the room was a large gold kiln with a door painted on it, though you aren't quite sure why. Scattered around it lay various ceramic working tools, and a supply of clay.
The back wall of the room had an elaborate aquarium set up that dominated an entire wall. Tropical fish swim by, and it extends so deep you don't even see the far end. Wait, was that a giant squid that just swam by?
To the left lay a simple stone doorway, with a long stairway behind it. Climbing the staircase, you find yourself at the top of the tower you saw from outside. After leaving the staircase, you end up in a large private music room, with a piano, and small collection of instruments, some of which seem to belong to other students in the dorm.
A door leads to the backstage of a small theater area, with changing rooms, and a light and sound booth. The theater took up the remainder of the top of the tower, but on your way back down the stairs, you realize there was another doorway you missed.
This doorway leads out to a deck area that circles the house. Canvas chairs and occasional tables are scattered here and there, and a slanted roof mostly protects it from inclement weather.
Down below the deck, lie a few private vegetable gardens, and a doorway leads to a kitchen. Painted in simple base colors, a few students are in here passionately at work cooking. The cupboards and refrigerators here all appear to be commonly shared with stickers indicating who everything belongs to, and in many cases, that it's free for the taking.
After grabbing a snack, you head back in, back through the triangular door, and up one of the staircases you noticed earlier. They both terminate in a hallway lined with doorways to the students rooms. At the far end is a bulletin board listing the room assignments.
Violet Fox Room Assignments: #1: --
The rooms all look fairly similar. Light violet walls, a desk with a lamp on it and a comfortable chair, a beanbag in one corner, and a large soft bed to one side. Someone appears to have thoughtfully left some pens and pencils on the desk and a supply of paper in a drawer, and there's a small bookcase to the side.
The Violet Wolf Dorm:
Walking along a path on the north side of the college, a tall Victorian-era building can be found on top of a short knoll. With its steep roof and the tower to one side, it could easily be mistaken for a haunted house. That, however, is the most normal thing about the dorm.
The whole building is completely purple, but the shade changes throughout the day, ranging anywhere from a light lavender to a deep purple. The roof is dark purple, almost black in color, and checkered with light purple octagons.
As you walk up the path, basalt rocks crunch underfoot, cutting through tall, unkempt grass. Tall black lamp posts tower overhead, casting eerie shadows over the path as you continue on. Tall blooming trees are scattered along the path, bearing apples, lemons and cherries.
Looking in the windows as you approach, you see nothing but your own reflection. Leaving the path, you step onto a deck of polished oak, with a large circular oak door in front of you, opening downwards. In the center is a silver knocker in the shape of a wolf, with pieces of amethyst for eyes.
Knocking three times, the door swings backwards. Going in, your path leads down to a curved hallway with light plum colored walls. Black swirls on the walls seem to move if you focus your eyes on them for too long, so you look down at the thick dark velvet carpeting instead as you move forward.
Soon, you reach two ornate metallic spiral staircases, leading to the Violet Wolf sleeping quarters. Between the black stairways is a triangular door which leads to a large expansive common room.
The walls of the common room were covered with moving murals, all different, and the ceiling, amazingly, looked just like the sky outside, clouds moving, and accurately depicting the time of day. Plush beanbags lay all around the room, perfect for curling up on and drawing or writing on, with low tables nearby.
In the center of the room was a large gold kiln with a door painted on it, though you aren't quite sure why. Scattered around it lay various ceramic working tools, and a supply of clay.
The back wall of the room had an elaborate aquarium set up that dominated an entire wall. Tropical fish swim by, and it extends so deep you don't even see the far end. Wait, was that a giant squid that just swam by?
To the left lay a simple stone doorway, with a long stairway behind it. Climbing the staircase, you find yourself at the top of the tower you saw from outside. After leaving the staircase, you end up in a large private music room, with a piano, and small collection of instruments, some of which seem to belong to other students in the dorm.
A door leads to the backstage of a small theater area, with changing rooms, and a light and sound booth. The theater took up the remainder of the top of the tower, but on your way back down the stairs, you realize there was another doorway you missed.
This doorway leads out to a deck area that circles the house. Canvas chairs and occasional tables are scattered here and there, and a slanted roof mostly protects it from inclement weather.
Down below the deck, lie a few private vegetable gardens, and a doorway leads to a kitchen. Painted in simple base colors, a few students are in here passionately at work cooking. The cupboards and refrigerators here all appear to be commonly shared with stickers indicating who everything belongs to, and in many cases, that it's free for the taking.
After grabbing a snack, you head back in, back through the triangular door, and up one of the staircases you noticed earlier. They both terminate in a hallway lined with doorways to the students rooms. At the far end is a bulletin board listing the room assignments.
The rooms all look fairly similar. Light violet walls, a desk with a lamp on it and a comfortable chair, a beanbag in one corner, and a large soft bed to one side. Someone appears to have thoughtfully left some pens and pencils on the desk and a supply of paper in a drawer, and there's a small bookcase to the side.